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Volunteer or Partner With Us

Thank you for your interest in volunteering or partnering with our school!

Register to Volunteer

Start the volunteer process by registering in Jeffco's Partners In Education system. This allows you to:

  • Select the schools and locations where you want to volunteer.
  • Choose to receive notifications when your selected schools create volunteer opportunities.
  • Sign-up to volunteer at locations across Jeffco Public Schools (once your account is active).

Register to Volunteer

Volunteer Opportunities

Looking for volunteer opportunities? Check out available openings in the Partners in Education system, where you can filter by school, interest area and date.

View Volunteer Opportunities

School Requests

Interested in helping our school with needed resources? Registered partners can review the requests from our school and contact a campus or district staff member to support.

View School Requests

Register As a Partner Organization

If you’re partnering with Jeffco Public Schools or want to start, register your organization in our Partners in Education system. It only takes a few minutes and connects you with district and campus staff who coordinate programs and activities with partners.

Register Your Organization

Watch DOGS

The purpose of the program is simple - to bring volunteers into our school! Watch DOGS are trusted Dads, Moms, Grandparents, or Guardians.

Tasks may include helping with arrival and dismissal, monitoring the lunchroom, emptying recycling bins, and helping in classrooms/library, etc.

Your name will be read over the morning announcements and your picture will be taken with your student(s) and added to our Watch DOG wall! 

You are welcome to volunteer multiple times throughout the trimester. You can also choose to stay for the whole day or a half day.

Click here to sign up now!